Five Recommended Earth Day Reads from The Wilderness Society

The others sound good, especially These American Lands.
- Tim
Five Recommended Earth Day Reads
from The Wilderness Society
• The Sand County Almanac, (1949), by Aldo Leopold. Leopold’s astonishing portraits of the natural world marked a landmark in conservation writing.
• Desert Solitaire, (1968), by Edward Abbey, brought Abbey acclaim as an avid storyteller, park ranger, and anarchist philosopher.
• Encounters with the Archdruid, (1977), by John McPhee, describes three journeys McPhee made in the late 1960s with David Brower, executive director of the Sierra Club at the time, and three of Brower's antagonists: Charles Park, a mineral engineer; Charles Fraser, a resort developer; and Floyd Dominy, builder of dams in the West.
• Cadillac Desert, (1986), by Marc Reisner, details the destructive history of the Bureau of Reclamation and its quest to conquer the waters of the arid west.
• These American Lands,(1994), by Dyan Zaslowsky and T.H. Watkins, is an indispensable narrative history of our parks, wilderness, and other public lands.
Earth Day is April 22, 2007
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